Thursday, January 2, 2014

Used to Hold Half the World's Nuclear Weapons and Now One of the Top Ten Friendliest Cities and Will You Please Come Back, We Miss You!

So,  Tooele is probs 50/50 Mormon to non-Mormon. The highest percent of nonmembers is almost no doubt salt lake city. It's more like 30 percent. There is an army depot here, and at one point contained half of the world's nuclear weapons, which is an obscene amount. I actually heard a test of the nuclear warning sirens the other day and it was kinda freaky and cool at the same time. The whole valley echoed with these stereotypical nuclear bomb threat sirens and a computerized male voice saying that it was a test of the nuclear alert system. The whole thing had a very Orwellian feel to it. I'm mainly in the residential areas of the town, but our stake spreads out and covers some countryside. it's pretty cool. According to Forbes magazine, Tooele was rated on the top ten friendliest cities to live in America. I like it here a lot.
Everything here is going well. We're meeting with the () family tonight and we're working on getting them back on date. Their dad is a good guy. Originally he told us to check back with them in a month once they got some things figured out, but he contacted us the next day and asked to meet. We had no idea what was on his mind, but what he told us was that he missed having the spirit in his home and could tell a difference when we weren't there. I'm not too worried about this family getting baptized.


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