Thursday, January 30, 2014

I Only Have 18 Months Left, Some Advice to My Dad, and Reaching Out to Welcome the One

 I've got a whole life to listen to music I like, but only 18 more months to serve the Lord with all my heart, might, mind, and strength.
Also, Dad, I got this impression recently to let you know this, so if you get a chance, see if you can go out on splits with the Elders back home every now and then. I think you'd really enjoy it. Keep up the good work.
Love you all. this work is amazing, and the Atonement is real!
Elder Jake Lusk

More From Elder Lusk:
Yeah, we've got a rice cooker, so we've always got rice going to eat. We also have a deep fryer in our apartment, so we fry up a lot of fish. Our favorite meal to eat in our apartment is deep fried tilapia filets over calrose rice with sriracha sauce. It's super good. tilapia filets aren't super expensive, and you can fry them the same way in a pan with oil. 

As for cool stories, I need to start writing them down before I email. There's always good stories, I just can't remember them all when I come to email. I do know that one of the guys I helped teach when I was in the Layton West Stake got baptized a couple weeks ago, and then recieved the Aaronic Priesthood yesterday, so that's pretty cool to know. We also have an investigator named {} that came to church yesterday. She has Parkinson's Disease, and has had it for a while. She understands everything we tell her, but it's really hard for her to speak in a way that you can understand. She can really barely speak above a whisper. She usually has a CNA with her that can understand her a little better and helps to interpret. Anyway, she came to church with us yesterday and I think she enjoyed it. There were quite a few people that introduced themselves and let her know they were happy she was there, which is what her fear was, so it worked out really well.

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